What is airlaid?
2017-06-27 16:32:26
Compared to other nonwoven technologies, airlaid has the unique ability to lay down short fibers, either 100% pulp fibers, or mixtures of pulp and short cut synthetic fibers, to form a homogeneous and continuous web. It is also possible to mix in Super Absorbent Powders or Fibers thereby creating higly absorbent webs.
Bonding fibers, typically bicomponent fibers, are included in the web formation, and the web is heated to activate the melting comonents of the synthetic fibers to bond the web. Typically used for absorbent cores, where Super Absorbent Powder can also be present and locked into the web structure by the synthetic fibers.
A bonding process where latex and thermal bonding are combined, typically where the inner part of the produdt is thermal bonded and the surfaces have a slight layer of binder to eliminate dust and linting. Typically used for absorbent cores, household products, dry and wet wipes. Can also contain Super Absorbent Powder.
Here bonding is achieved by a combination of pressure, humidity and temperature to create so called hydrogen bonds, eliminatin the need for other bonding methods. Typically used for absorbent cores
An airlaid web is formed on top of a carded or spunbonded web. The web is then hydroentangled (water needled), which will create the web strength. The web is thereafter dried. Typical application is wet wipes