Classification and application of non-woven fabrics
Nonwoven fabric scientific name: Nonwovens, also known as Nonwovens, nonwoven fabrics, nonwoven fabrics, nonwoven fabrics.Nonwoven technology is a kind of material processing technology which originated from textile but surpasses textile.
Non-woven fabrics are classified as follows:
一. classification according to production process:
1. Spiny non-woven fabric:
The high pressure water jet to a layer or multi-layer fiber network, so that the fiber interlock together, so that the fiber network can be strengthened and have a certain strength.
2. Heat-bonded non-woven fabric:
Refers to the addition of fiber mesh fiber or powder hot fusion bonding reinforcement materials, fiber mesh after heating and cooling reinforcement into cloth.
3, pulp into a net of non-woven cloth:
Also known as dust - free paper, dry - process paper - making non - woven.It is the use of air mesh technology to open the wood pulp fiberboard loose into a single fiber state, and then use the air flow method to make the fiber agglutination in the mesh curtain, fiber mesh reinforcement into cloth.
4. Wet non-woven:
The fiber material placed in the water medium is loosened into single fiber, and different fiber materials are mixed at the same time to make fiber suspension slurry. The suspension slurry is transported to the netting mechanism, and the fiber is netted and reinforced into cloth under the wet state.
5. Spun-bonded non-woven fabric:
After the polymer has been extruded and stretched to form a continuous filament, the filament is laid into a network, and the fiber network is bonded by its own adhesion, thermal adhesion, chemical adhesion or mechanical reinforcement, so that the fiber network becomes non-woven.
6. Melt-sprayed non-woven fabric:
Its process: polymer feeding → melt extrusion → fiber formation → fiber cooling → mesh → reinforcement into cloth.
7. Acupuncture non-woven fabric:
One of the dry non-woven fabrics, needling non-woven fabric is to use the puncture function of the needle, the fluffy fiber network into the reinforcement of the cloth.
8. Sewn non-woven:
A type of dry nonwoven fabric in which a warp knitting coil structure is used to reinforce a mesh, yarn layer, nontextile material (e.g. plastic sheet, plastic foil, etc.) or a combination of them to produce nonwoven fabric.
二. Classification by use:
1. Non-woven fabrics for medical and sanitary use:
Operating clothes, protective clothing, disinfectant bag cloth, mask, diaper, civilian dishcloth, wiping cloth, wet face towel, magic towel, soft towel roll, beauty products, sanitary napkin, sanitary pad and disposable sanitary cloth, etc.
2. Non-woven fabrics for home decoration:
Wall cloth, table cloth, bed sheet, bedspread, etc.
3. Non-woven clothing:
Lining, adhesive lining, flocs, shaping cotton, all kinds of synthetic leather cloth;
4. Industrial non-woven:
Filtration materials, insulation materials, cement packaging bags, geotextile, covering cloth, etc.
5. Non-woven fabrics for agricultural use:
Crop protection cloth, seedling cloth, irrigation cloth, heat preservation curtain, etc.
6. Other non-woven fabrics:
Space cotton, insulation materials, linoleum, smoke filter, tea bags, etc.
1、原料raw materials
天然纤维:Natural fibers
人造纤维:man-made fiber
合成纤维:synthetic fiber
化学纤维:chemical fiber
特种纤维:speci alt y fiber
复合纤维:composite fiber
木浆纤维:wood pulp fiber
锦纶:polyamide fiber(pa)
腈纶:polyacrylic fiber(pan)
丙纶:polypropylene fiber(pp)
芳纶:aramid fiber
玻璃纤维:glass fiber
金属纤维:metallic fiber
中空纤维:hollow fibers
短纤维:staple fiber
纤维密度:fiber density
纤维直径:fiber diameter
纤维细度:fiber fineness
纤维强度:fiber strength
纤维长度:fiber length
活性炭:activated carbon 热溶胶:hot-melt adhesive
热溶材料:thermo-melt material 热粘合粉:thermo-bonding powder
胶乳:latex 染料:dyes
颜料:pigment 涂料:coating pigment
海绵:sponge 添加剂:additives
粘合剂:adhesive,binder 助剂:auxiliary agent
防老化剂:anti-oxidant 抗静电剂:antisitatic agent
杀菌剂:bactericide 阻燃剂:flame retardant agent
消光剂:delustrant 干燥剂:dehumidizer
荧光增白剂:optical brightener 防污剂:soil-repellent
清洗剂:cleaning agent
开包机:bale opener 开松:opening
开棉机:opener 混棉机:blender
梳理:carding 道夫:doffer
罗拉:roller 打手:beater
铺网机:lapping machine 交叉铺网:cross lapping
平行铺网:parallel laying 杂乱铺网:random laying
气流成网:air-laid 烘燥:drying
烘缸:drying cylinders 烘箱:drying oven
滚筒:dram 滚筒干燥:cylinder drying
尘笼:dust cage 输送帘:lattice
卷绕:winding 切边机:edge cutting machine
针刺法:needle-punching 针刺机:needling machine
化学粘合法:chemical bonding process 化学粘合剂:chemical binder
泡沫粘合法:foam bonding 浆点机:paste point machine
粉点机:powder point machine 热粘合:thermal bonding
热轧法:thermal calendaring 成网:web formation
熔喷法:melt brown
成人尿布:adult diaper 婴儿尿布:baby diaper
婴儿擦拭布:baby wipe 人造革基布:artificial leather substrate
汽车地毯:automotive carpet 汽车顶蓬:automotive headliner
毯子:blanket 妇女卫生巾:feminine hygiene
衬布:interlining 土工膜:geomembrane
土工网:geonets 罩衣:gown
家具布:home furnishings 家用毯子:house-wrap
工业滤布:industrial filterling cloth 工业擦拭布:industrial wipe
汽车内装垫衬:interior decoration lining for automobile
胸衬:interling for front part 鞋帽衬:interling for shoes and hat
实验工作服:lab coat 口罩:mask
医用绷带:medical bandage 医用纱布:medical gauze
医用口罩:medical mask 枕套:pillow case
防护服:protective apparel 卷材:roll goods
屋顶材料:roof material 卫生巾:sanitary napkin
肩垫:shoulder padding 喷胶棉:spray-bonded nonwovens
手术帘:surgical drape 台布:table cover 擦拭布:wipe
耐磨性:abrasion resistance 透气性:breathabiltiy
定重:basis weight 舒适性:comfortability
耐用性:durability 柔韧性:flexibility功
能性:functionality 耐热性:heat resistance
亲水性:hydrophility 疏水性:hydrophobicity
强度:intensity 加工性能:processability
防护性:repellency 回弹性:resiliency
收缩性:shrinkage 稳定性:softness
硬挺度:stiffness 耐温性:temperature resistance
厚度:thickness 防水性:water resistance
湿强度:wet strength 抗皱性:wrinkle resistance